Wednesday, August 24, 2005

naruto~ /( = v =) /

another test again
i am a shinobi from the leaf village

Quiz Result Provided By:

What Village Are You From?

Hosted by Anime. Done right.

and my rank is a fresh graduate, genin

Quiz Result Provided By:

What Ninja Class Are You?

Hosted by Anime. Done right.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

bleach personality test

i am getting addicted to this xD
although i didnt watch bleach anime and manga
this is what i got xD

Take The quiz yourself

if u are a fan of bleach, pls tell me what do u think of this character k?
thank u very much
btw, my ym id is coffee_ping

I am a D20 /( = v =) /

i took another personality test and this is what i get
they even say that i always get to be the leader although sometimes i dont deserve it=______=

and here is the picture i get =__________=
dont u think it look dumb?

I am a d20

Take the quiz at

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

My Motivation For Myself

Yesterday, when my mum was driving me back to campus. she was complaining about me sleeping too much. "what had u done today?" she said. Most of my day just gone wasted by having naps, games, hanging around... and that's it! and i just call it a day. Now i plan to change this xD

How i going to do this: i going to make a table and write down something that i done that particular day. But, i couldn't just put in anything useless into that table. it must be something useful, something worthwhile to write down with.

The milestone for measuring it is: it won't make ur friend say "what the hec k are u doing this?" "why are u wasting time on this?" it should at least make ur friend say: "oh~~~~"

"You are learning everyday!" this is what i heard from somewhere. So maybe i could make use of my time and discover something useful ;)i might post it here weekly, so please look forward to it :)

Thursday, August 04, 2005

A New Month Has Come!

a new month, a new problem!!
my friend can't view my blog at all!!
as u can see in the chat box, my friend
k*yz and k*i (i do this for their privacy, u know ;) )

actually, it's just that the server categorise every old post sorted by the months
so if u are interested to read them, pls just look inside the june and july's blog
i am still new here, so i don't have a long blog

by the way, i am participating with some Dungeons And Dragons(DND) sessions nowadays
so i might give some updates of what interesting stuffs we do in the session :)